Sample Race Pace Workouts

Race Pace Training Sets

  1. For 50 sprinters.  1)  swim a 25 SPRINT from a push to get your time if possible. 2) Swim a 25 sprint with full speed turn and work the underwater and breakout.  3) start from middle of pool, build to full speed turn and sprint the “back-half” of your 50.

Make sure to “warm down” at least a 75-125 between each sprint to be almost fully recovered.  I’ll take 3-4 minutes.  Usually do the first set of 3-5 25s fly and then another set of 3-5 25s: free


  1. For 100 free: Option 1 – a set of 12-8-4 of 25s.  The goal is to take your 100 time and divide by 4, so for me, it is a 1:02-1:03 / 4 = 15 high per 25.  My goal is to keep all under :16
    1. 12 x 25 on :35,
    2. rest :40-1:00 after set of 12,
    3. then 8 x25 on:35,
    4. rest :40-1:00,
    5. then 4 x25 on :35.

NOTE – you want between a minimum of :15 rest and max of :20, so if your 100 free time is less than 1:00, you should really do these on the :30. 

  1. For 100 free: Option 2.
    1. 4 x 50 on 2:00 holding the BACK HALF of your 100 swim, so for me that would be :32/:33, and then 4 easy 50’s on about the 1:00.  REPEAT that two more times for a total of 12 50’s at race pace.  See if you can build (holding your correct pace) from 4 to 5 to 6  on the first set, rest and see how many you can hold on a second set.
    2. OR – do 8x 50 easy/fast.  Easy on 1:20, Fast on 1:00 and again hold the back half of your 100 pace on the fast ones.  Swim a couple easy 50s and repeat two more times.


  1. For 200 free. 12-8-4 set of 50s on 1:00 or 1:05 or 1:10  and try and hold as close as you can to your 200 time divided by 4


  1. Another fun set I like is 3(or4) x 25 STROKE on :30 or :40, EZ 50 on 1:30, repeat four times

Other important factors to have included in your weekly workout plan

  1. Underwater dolphin kicking – incorporated with full speed turns and starts if you have access to blocks
  2. starts
  3. Sculling
  4. Stroke drills
  5. Kick sets – I like using zoomers with no board and kicking on my side with one arm extended – its also very good for the core
  6. 8 “sets” of Vertical kicking on the 1:00 as follows. do four of them dolphin and 4 flutter
    1. :20 with hands out of water
    2. :15 with hands and elbows out of water
    3. :10 both arms all out of water in streamline position

:15 rest treading water